lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

love is an infinite friendship
 If I was the sea, and your a rock, would raise the tide, to kiss your mouth.
It took me an hour to meet you one day and fell in love. But it will take me a lifetime to achieve forget.

I met a boy by a social product that lived in another city different from mine, this guy I liked him. We started talking as friends. Soon we had the opportunity to meet, and he came to my hometown to visit family. That day we met at a mall and talked a lot I found a very interesting and intelligent but sadly that did not live in the same city.

We continue talking until again we were given the opportunity to meet in another city (Manta) I went there for a holiday with my group of friends and went to be with his family. We had a great time and I noticed a particular approach to me ... the attraction was mutual. A couple of months later I went to visit one weekend. We went out to dance, we kiss like two lovers.

Over the months we kept in touch. For this he lost his job and had to go live with a family that welcomed him. However, I was hoping that the company I worked hire him again. It was a hard time for him. We saw a couple of times in my city and another on another trip where many things happened. However, by a twist of fate, my work needed a person who did his profile, so I told him about the vacancy and agree to come and work in my city ... My expectations grew with him as being both in the same city things could be much better and have a relationship "more real", but the unexpected happened.

In my work I met a girl I had working relationship. Apparently they liked and they started dating. Change the relationship with me much, since they no longer talked as much as when we were in another city, and when we did he just talked about work and much criticized the company where we were I did not see much because I was in the headquarters and field work was.